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September 16, 2024 @ 5:30 pm

The Franklin County Board of County Commissioners will hold a public hearing as required by Florida Statute 129.06 for budget amendments for fiscal year 2023/2024

Notice is given that on the 17th day of September, at 5:30 p.m. (ET), or as soon thereafter as is possible, in the courtroom at the Courthouse Annex, located at 34 Forbes Street, Apalachicola, Florida, the Franklin County Board of County Commissioners shall conduct a public hearing to consider amending the budgets of the Franklin County Tax Collector and the Franklin County Sheriff’s Department.

Proposed amendment for the Franklin County Tax Collector’s Office:
Pursuant to a mid-year, July 1st statutory salary change for the Tax Collector, the additional cost of the increase including benefits will total $11,104. The Tax Collector requests the incorporation of unanticipated interest earnings for the county’s general fund into his budget to fund the cost of the increase.

Proposed amendment for the Franklin County Sheriff’s Department:
Pursuant to statutory changes with Florida Statute 125 and the ability for local governments to utilize Tourist Development Sales Tax Proceeds to reimburse for certain approved public safety activities and improvements outside of a departments regular operating budget. The Franklin County Sheriff’s Office was approved purchasing traffic control signs in busy beach areas, purchasing including the finance charges for two patrol vehicles and reimbursement for additional staffing hours during peak tourism season or tourism events county-wide. The Sheriff’s Office requests the incorporation of the public safety services transfer from the Tourist Development Council into his budget as part of the county’s fine and forfeiture fund to fund the cost of the additional $172,338 in tourism related expenses.

The public is invited to attend the public hearing. Those persons who desire to speak regarding the adoption of the ordinance may appear at the hearing and shall be heard.

The supporting documentation for this amendment is on file with, and may be viewed at, the office of the Clerk of Court at the Franklin County Courthouse, which is located at 33 Market Street, Apalachicola, Florida. If you would have questions regarding the proposed budget amendments, please contact Erin Griffith at 850-653-5143 or


September 16, 2024
5:30 pm