The paved parking area between Chili Boulevard and 1St Street West along Gulf Beach Drive and all right-of-way areas of Franklin Boulevard (including the crossroad sections) on St. George Island, Florida, is closed to peddling. Attached map with yellow highlight notates area addressed by resolution.
County News
Building Department and Zoning Offices New Location
The Franklin County Building Department and Zoning Offices moved from the current location at 34 Forbes Street, Apalachicola, 32320 to our new location at 248 US Highway 98 (Old Gulf State Bank Building), Eastpoint, Florida, 32328.
The offices are open for business effective Tuesday, March 5th at 8:30 a.m. (ET) at the new 248 US Highway 98 (Old Gulf State Bank Building), Eastpoint location.
As a reminder, the online permitting portal is available to the public 24 hours 7 days a week.
Administrative Services offices will remain at the 34 Forbes Street, Apalachicola location until further notice.
Partial Road Closure at SGI Boat Ramp
Use caution at the St. George Island Boat Ramp, sections of the road are closed due to damages. Use of the boat ramp is still allowed, but be sure to use caution when entering and exiting the area.
The Franklin County Board of County Commissioners are excited to announce the opening of the
SGI Inclusive Playground at Lighthouse Park
Please be aware: although the playground is now open and ready for play, a formal ribbon cutting ceremony to thank all participants, donors and volunteers will be held sometime in the Spring after completion of all project elements – project elements remaining to be completed at this time are as follows:
- 12’ x 24’ Picnic Pavilion/Shade Structure on West Side of Playground with Picnic Tables
- Companion Shade Structure on East Side of Playground
- Swing set Installation to the west of the picnic pavilion
- Auditory musical toy to be installed in the vicinity of the picnic pavilion
- Turtle Friendly Bollard Lights
- Drought tolerant, low maintenance, native landscaping (shade trees)
- Signage acknowledging funding agencies and donors
The commission would also like to thank all who are making this project possible as improvements are being funded through a grant through the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Tourist Development Sales Tax Proceeds (Beach Park Facility Funding), and generous community donations from businesses and individuals through the fundraising channels of the St. George Island Civic Club.
New Important Information – FENCE PERMITS
At the May 16, 2023 Board of County Commission meeting, the Board voted to resume requiring permits for Commercial and Residential Fences in Franklin County.
- Do you need Planning & Zoning Approval for a Commercial or Residential Fence?
- What documents are required when submitting a fence permit?
- Where do you submit your fence permit application?
- How long does it take for my permit to be processed once it’s been received?
- How do we make payment?
- How long is my permit good for?
You can find all the answers to these questions and more on the Zoning Department website here
If you have any questions, please contact the Zoning Department at 850-653-5337