Public Notice
Regarding the Section 106 Review under the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and Adverse Effects for Window and Door Replacement, Weems Memorial Hospital, Apalachicola, Franklin County, Florida
FEMA Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Program (BRIC)Seeking Public Comment
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is providing funding to Franklin County for the replacement of windows and doors at Weems Memorial hospital in Apalachicola using Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) Funds. As a part of compliance responsibilities under regulations 36 CFR Part 800, for Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) requires federal agencies, including the FEMA, to identify and consider the potential effects of its actions on historic properties through a collaborative framework for seeking and considering the views of the public on how potential adverse effects on historic properties resulting from a proposed Federal action should be addressed.
Responsible Entity: FEMA Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) Grant Program
Subrecipient: Franklin County, Florida
Project Title(s): Window and Door Replacement at Weems Memorial Hospital; EMA-2022-BR-009-0002
Proposed Work: Franklin County proposes to wind retrofit the Weems Memorial Hospital located at 135 Avenue G, Apalachicola, FL. The proposal is to remove and replace all existing exterior windows and doors with impact-rated windows and doors. The hospital was built in 1968 and has had a full roof replacement in 2019 due to severe damages sustained by Hurricane Michael. This project will protect the hospital structure envelope, thereby reducing potential structural and content damages from future wind events. Wind protections shall be provided on any other openings such as vents, louvers, and exhaust fans. All installations shall be in strict compliance with Florida Building Code and all materials shall be certified to meet wind and impact standards. The local municipal or county building department shall inspect and certify installation according to the manufacturer specifications. No ground disturbance is associated with the above undertaking.
As proposed, the above project constitutes an Adverse Effect to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP)-eligible Weems Memorial Hospital, under 36 CFR § 800.5(a)(1), due to the removal of the historic windows which are contributing features of the hospital. FEMA, in consultation with the Florida Division of Historical Resources – State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), and other consulting parties are in coordination to resolve any adverse effects of the Undertaking as per Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.
In accordance with the Florida Historic Preservation Programmatic Agreement executed September 10, 2014 and amended (3) September 5, 2024, FEMA is recommending the following treatment measure from Appendix A of the agreement to resolve the adverse effect: Digital Photography Package.
Public Comments: Any Member of the public is encouraged to provide views on how the project may affect historic properties and the ways these effects may be avoided, minimized, or mitigated. To help develop a course of action for this project, FEMA is requesting your input within 15 days of the date of this notice.
Interested persons may submit comments, questions or request a map of this specific project should be sent in writing using he subject line “Window and Door Replacement Weems Memorial Hospital; EMA-2022-BR-009-0002” via:
Mail to: | FEMA- Region-4 EHP
3005 Chamblee Tucker Road Atlanta GA, 30341 |
Email to: | |
POSTED ON: February 19, 2025
End of Notice